Buying heated canola, feed barley, feed grains

Price based on approx. heated, green, damaged %
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
Spec: 48lbs, 14.8% Moisture
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
FOB Call to Confirm Radius
Also in the market for: feed wheat, feed peas, corn, soybeans, faba beans, offgrade flax, heated and damaged grains. Contact us for price inquires.
AgPro's Marketing Report is emailed weekly to producers Catchup on the latest price trends, weather maps and bids Forward your email and we'll get you added to emailing list!
High Oil Canola Meal - Crude Protein 36%, 10-12% fat, Moisture 6-8%
Canola Meal is a great source of protein, amino acids, omega's and essential fatty acids which is vital in livestock's daily nutrient requirements.
Delivered Price: $385.00 - $400.00 MT / 42 MT Loads
Full Fat Soymeal - Crude Protein 42%, Fat 18%, Fiber 5%, Moisture 6-8%
Full Fat Soymeal is an excellent choice to produce rapid growth in young livestock, rich in protein, amino acids and omega complex.
Delivered Price: $850.00 - $900.00MT / 42 MT Loads
Canola Oil - $1,800.00 MT Delivered depended on location.
Screening Pellets - 14% Protein, good energy and high fiber 22%.
Good for creep feeding or backgrounding cattle.
Delivered Price: $290.00 MT delivered most SK areas, 35 MT Loads
PO Box 3031, Tisdale, SK S0E 1T0
Office: 1(306)873-3006 Cell: 1(306)873-0481 (text) Email: Website:
Open today | 08:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m. |
Trucking companies looking to haul for us and get on our freight email list please contact us. We email out daily freight lists with loads available throughout SK/AB/MB with locations and rates attached. Simply forward us your email address to get added.
*Contact our office to book contracts, price inquiries or any questions
*AgPro hires insured commercial trucking companies to pick up on farm and we have legal scales at our facilities so producers can count on reliable, trusted service
*Payment terms are net due upon delivery
*Canola contracted by AgPro is processed into meal for the SK livestock sector
*Standard bushel weight & moisture discounts apply if product doesn't meet contracted grade
*Recommend producer takes representative sample when loading and kept for future reference
*AgPro Seeds is registered with the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission
*AgPro Seeds is registered with SKBarley, SKOat, SKWheat, SK Pulse Growers Association